I have spent most of my life as an "unofficial contrarian" so I've decided to take the blogosphere baptismal plunge and make it official. I have no plan. No particular agenda. I just happen to have a knack for being on the "wrong side" of the left AND the right in so many ways that it is bound to amuse someone. Well, maybe not, but it usually amuses me. But be forewarned, I do have a very solid "world view" that serves as the foundation for my "what if?" musings. What is my world view you ask? I will confess to the following...
I'm a big fan of C.S. Lewis, Bono, Charlie Brown, Spurgeon, and Dilbert. Some of my favorite movies are Raising Arizona, Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail, It's A Wonderful Life, Signs, and Dumb and Dumber. I also read the Bible a lot but I didn't care all that much for The Passion. I love Seinfeld and The Office and boring documentaries. I'm not gay but my wife hates shopping with me because I can take an hour to pick out a sweater. On Sundays you will usually find me in church and then I like to go home and scream at the TV for a few hours watching sports (while watching cooking shows during the commercial breaks). I voted for Reagan and Bush (both of them) but I'm really not very "political" and often the Christian right annoys me as much as the most flagrant Liberal. I have been employed as a Pastor, a roofer, a teacher, a salesman, a (really bad) forklift operator and a musician. I own a software company but geeks annoy me. I prefer to think of myself as an "unemployed rock star".
Ok, so back to the contrarian thing... as a young pup I found great sport in infuriating my Father at the dinner table by saying outrageously controversial stuff. Not on purpose. Honest. It is just what I do, I guess. Sometimes my Dad would get so enraged that he would throw his fork across our family's tiny little table in my general direction. So ladies and gents... grab your forks. Mister Contrary is coming to dinner.
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kewl post
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